Friday, January 24, 2025 03:57 PM

Add a Teaching Field

You must submit an application to add a new license field to your existing Hawaiʻi  license. 

Click here–> Guide for Adding a Teaching Field
 Click here–> Guide for Hawai’i-Based Programs Add a Teaching Field
 Click here–> Guide for Adding Hawaiian Licensure Fields (NBI 22-99 adopted April 28, 2023)
 Click here–> Guide for Adding Online Teaching (NBI 23-02 adopted September 15, 2023)
 Click here–> Guide for Adding Special Education Licensure Fields
 Click here–> List of HTSB approved License Fields

The following teaching fields may only be “added fields:”

  1. Ethnomathematics
  2. Middle Level Generalist (Only available via SATEP recommendation)
  3. Online Teaching (This can only be added to a Standard or Advanced License NBI 13-33)
  4. Teacher Leader (Revised 3/4/22 – NBI 14-31 Revised linked here)
  5. All Career and Technical Education Vocational Fields

The following teaching fields may only be added by completion of a State Approved Teacher Education Preparation Program (SATEP):

  1. School Librarian
  2. Reading Specialist
  3. Early Childhood Education (Revised 11/17/17 NBI 17-06Rev linked here)
  4. School Counselor (Approved 9/17/21 NBI 21-12 linked here

The following teaching fields have additional options:

Literacy Specialist:

STEM: (Updated 3/4/2022)


Teacher Leader (updated 3/4/22 with NBI 14-31 linked here):

PLEASE NOTE: To continue to add Teacher Leader to a Hawaii license the following job-embedded Teacher Leader experience must be verified at each renewal period. The Hawaii Department of Education, Charter School, or Private School administrator must verify four (4) semesters of successful experience as a Teacher Leader for any of the following experiences: