Our Board
The seventeen members of the Hawaiʻi Teacher Standards Board represent stakeholder groups in education:
- Six licensed teachers, one of whom must be from a Charter School
- Three administrators
- State of Hawaiʻi Board of Education Chairperson or designee
- State Superintendent of Schools or designee
- Dean of the College of Education (COE) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa or designee from member institutions of the Teacher Education Coordinating Committee
- Two members of the public, nominated by the Hawaiʻi Business Roundtable, Hawaiʻi P-20, and Hawaiʻi Workforce Development Council
- Hawaiʻi Association of Independent Schools (HAIS) representative
- Native Hawaiian Education Council (NHEC) Chairperson or designee
- Student Teacher non-voting member from the University of Hawaii system teacher preparation program
KRISTI MIYAMAE, HTSB CHAIRPERSON, is a 7th-grade teacher at Mililani Middle School in Oahu. She has been teaching in Hawaiʻi’s public schools since 2002. Her bachelor’s degree, with an emphasis in Computer Aided Graphic Design, is from San Diego State University and her Master of Education in Special Education is from the University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa. Kristi believes in working collaboratively with the board to uphold professional standards in education and to promote highly qualified, licensed teachers for our students. She would like to see Hawaiʻi as a progressive model in the areas of teacher preparation and licensing. |
LOKELANI HAN, HTSB VICE CHAIRPERSON, is a kumu at Kualapuʻu Public Conversion Charter School, Kula Kaiapuni o Kualapuʻu on Molokaʻi. She holds a Bachelorʻs degree in Elementary Education and a Masterʻs degree in Educational Technology, both from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Lokelani believes that Hawaiʻi should focus on growing our own teachers, especially for small rural communities like Molokaʻi. She is committed to providing support and input to the HTSB board as a kumu, parent, and rural community member. |
DAWN RAYMOND is a Special Education Teacher at Chiefess Kapiolani Elementary School (CKES). Prior to teaching at CKES, she taught at Waiakea High School. She has been with the Department of Education since 2003. Dawn has a Certificate of Completion in Human Services and her Associate in Arts Degree in Liberal Arts from the University of Hawaiʻi Community College. She holds a Bachelor’s of Arts in Special Education from City University in Seattle Washington and has her Master’s in Autism Spectrum Disorder from Grand Canyon University in Arizona. Dawn previously served as the Hilo Chapter President/Vice President for the Hawaii State Teacher Association (HSTA) and continues to serve as a trustee for the HSTA VEBA Trust. She served on the HSTA State Special Education Committee and has served as a Liquor Commissioner for Hawaii County. |
DALE MATSUURA is a Student Services Coordinator at Roosevelt High School with over 22 years of experience within the DOE as a Special Education teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and Student Services Coordinator. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, a Post Baccalaureate, and a Master’s Degree in Special Education. Dale currently holds positions on the Joint DOE / Special Education Committee and Special Education Advisory Council. Dale believes that having licensed and qualified teachers in every classroom will lead to increased teacher retention and successful classrooms. |
DONDRA OZAKI is a Student Services Coordinator at Ewa Elementary School on Oahu and has over 20 years of experience with the Department of Education. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and a Master of Arts in Elementary Education from the University of Phoenix. As a board member, Dondra is dedicated to contributing to the ongoing improvement of professional standards, ensuring the continuous elevation of the teaching profession, and delivering the highest quality education to all students in Hawaiʻi. |
ROY TAKUMI (Kahele Dukelow, DESIGNEE) was born and raised in Honolulu where he attended Maemae Elementary School, Kawananakoa Middle School, and McKinley High School. After graduating from high school, he joined the Hawaii Air National Guard then attended Leeward Community College, while working full-time at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard as a laborer. He later earned his Bachelor of Education from Long Island University and Master of Public Administration from the University of Hawaii.
Takumi served as a state representative from 1992-2022. In addition to holding other chairmanships, he spent 15 years – from 2002 to 2017 – as chair of the House Education Committee, and was the primary sponsor of the Reinventing Education Act of 2004, widely known as Act 51. It was also during his tenure as education chair that the Executive Office on Early Learning was established in 2012. Takumi was selected as vice chair of the Education Commission of the States from 2013-2017, and has also served as co-chair of the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Education Standing Committee.
KEITH T. HAYASHI (Sean Bacon, DESIGNEE) was appointed superintendent of the Hawai‘i State Department of Education, effective July 1, 2022. Hayashi’s 32-year career with the Department spans the school, complex area, and state level. He has led Waipahu High School as principal since 2009, a position for which he has received numerous awards, including Hawai‘i High School Principal of the Year and the collegiate Shirley B. Gordon Award of Distinction. He is credited with pioneering the Early College program in Hawai‘i public schools and earned the distinction for Waipahu High as the state’s first nationally recognized wall-to-wall academy model school. Hayashi began his education career at Lehua Elementary as a teacher and went on to serve as a district resource teacher in Leeward O‘ahu. He also served as a vice principal and principal at the elementary, middle, and high school levels before becoming Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area Superintendent. At the state level, he served as interim deputy state superintendent and as interim state superintendent in 2017. Hayashi earned his bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. He also holds two Master of Education degrees — in curriculum and instruction, and educational administration — from UH Mānoa. |
DR. NATHAN MURATA (Dr. Cecily Ornelles, DESIGNEE) is dean of the College of Education (COE) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, effective January 1, 2018. He previously served as professor and graduate chair of the college’s Department of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science (KRS). Dr. Murata earned his Ph.D. in health, physical education, recreation, and dance from Ohio State University. He earned his master’s and bachelor’s degrees in secondary education and a certificate in special education from UH Mānoa and taught special education as a Honolulu District physical education teacher. Murata also taught at Saint Louis School and was later hired as director of its athletics department. Prior to being hired at UH Mānoa, Dr. Murata was an assistant professor at Chaminade University’s College of Education and an assistant professor at the University of Toledo’s Department of Health and Human Performance. He then returned home to Hawaiʻi and was hired at COE in 1997 as an assistant professor. He was promoted and received tenure as an associate professor in 2001 and subsequently promoted to professor in 2008. Murata held two separate terms as KRS department chair from 2004–2009 and again from 2013–2017, and served as interim associate dean for academic affairs from 2010–2012 when he provided oversight for the college’s academic affairs. |
KAʻOHINANI DANIELS (TBD, DESIGNEE) grew up immersed in hālau hula and playing on the beaches and hills of her hometown, Kaʻelepulu, Kailua. She is honored to work for Liliʻuokalani Trust and is committed to the Queen’s mission to serve kamaliʻi, especially those most vulnerable. Kaʻohi enjoys interdisciplinary teaming to co-create programs and policies with and for kamaliʻi that foster connection to Hawaiian heritage, holistic well-being, and joy. Her hope is ea for kamaliʻi. As the current chair of the Native Hawaiian Education Council, Kaʻohinani represents the Council on the board. |
KIM SANDERS is the design-inspired principal at Ewa Makai Middle School who empowers students, staff, and the community to explore and excel in their life passions. In her 15 years as a teacher, Kim created inquiry-based lessons and was awarded “Educator of the Year” in the European theatre. As a military spouse, she taught around the world in South Korea, Guam, Germany, and England. Kim has served as a teacher, assistant principal, high school principal, and middle school principal. Student voice has inspired her to redesign many areas of the school campus to accommodate fun and exciting learning venues for students. This gives students more options and opportunities for creating a “love of learning” in their lives. Kim sits on the Hawaii Association of Middle-Level Educators Board, Joint Ventures Education Forum Committee, and Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum Scholarship Board. Kim is a Turnaround Coach and a D School (Stanford Univ.) Coach for Retooling. She holds a master’s degree in Administration from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. |
DR. KATINA SOARES is a former student and the current principal of Molokai High School. Her own negative experiences with school led her to drop out of public school after the 10th grade and dedicate her life to improving education for future students. She now has over 20 years of experience in education and administration. She has been a student support specialist at UH Maui College, a school counselor in middle and high school, and an administrator of PreK through high school institutions in both charter and DOE schools. Dr. Soares is a strong advocate and supporter for education innovation, creativity, and imagination. She is a School Retool Fellow, a member of the Hawaii Innovative Leaders Network, and has done extensive work with the What School Could Be organization. Dr. Soares believes that, when delivered effectively, education can give each next generation, not only the knowledge and skills but the passion and power to become agents of positive change in the world. As an educational officer representative on the board, she intends to advocate for quality teacher education programs and licensing protocols that will promote educators to positively impact the trajectory of success for Hawaii students. |
JUSTIN S. N. MEW was educated in the Hawaii public school system and is an educator in the same system for 42 years. He has earned three degrees from the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Education (B.Ed.-Science Education, M.Ed.-Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed.-Educational Administration). He also holds a Graduate Certificate in Telecommunications and Information Resource Management from UH-Manoa. He is beginning his 10th year as Head of School/Principal at Henry J. Kaiser High School. He has also served as a Principal at Middle and Elementary Schools, a high school science teacher, and State Educational Specialist. Principal Mew firmly believes that student growth and learning are directly related to having a highly effective, fully licensed teacher who was trained by an accredited Educator Preparation Program. |
DR. JONATHAN GILLENTINE is a National Board Certified Teacher and in 2017 retired as a Hawai`i public school teacher after 36 years of service. He is a four-time graduate of the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa. His most recent classroom experience was at Rev. Benjamin Parker School, where he was a preschool teacher in an inclusive setting for nearly 20 years. During his time at the school, he grew to love supporting his peers in strengthening their teaching by facilitating professional development in early childhood education. From 2003-2015, he conducted 15 courses. Jonathan was a teacher representative on Hawai`i Teacher Standards Board from 2004-2010, serving as its chair for four years. In 2014, he was the first recipient of the teacher leadership licensure field. He has also received three national teaching awards and three teacher fellowships. Jonathan was inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame in 2017. He continues to provide support for National Board Certification candidates as he has done since 2005. |
DR. PHILIP J. BOSSERT has served as the Executive Director of the Hawaiʻi Association of Independent Schools and also of the Hawaiʻi Council of Private Schools since 2017. He joined HAIS in 2008 to manage the five-year Schools of the Future Initiative funded by the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation, and from 2011 to 2017 served as the HAIS Director of Programs.
Dr. Bossert has served as President of Hawaiʻi Loa College, Asst. Superintendent for Information & Telecommunication Services for the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, Director of Long-Range Planning for Chaminade University, and Project Director for the Hawaiʻi Education & Research Network at the University of Hawaiʻi. He was also Executive Director & CEO of the Hawaiʻi State High Technology Development Corporation, Deputy Director of the Hawaiʻi State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Strategic Information Systems Manager for GTE Hawaiian Telecom, President & CEO of Strategic Information Solutions, and Co-Founder and Senior Consultant with OrienTech, an education technology consulting service.
Dr. Bossert has been a Fulbright-Hayes Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Fellow, and National Endowment for the Humanities Grantee. He studied philosophy at the University of Freiburg in Germany and at Louvain University in Belgium. He holds a B.A. in Economics & Philosophy from Rockhurst College in Kansas City and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy from Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Bossert has published five books and more than thirty articles and reviews in the areas of information science, technology & education, and philosophy. He wrote a monthly column on “Telecommunication Services” for Information Times magazine and was the host for more than five years of various monthly cable television programs focusing on educational technology and media literacy. He has worked as a consultant for numerous corporations and non-profit organizations in the US and Asia and has served on a wide variety of civic and community boards. |