Tuesday, March 25, 2025 06:55 AM

Preparation Program Performance Standards

Hawaii State Approved Educator Preparation Program Standards

The Hawaii Teacher Standards Board approved the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Standards to support the additional options for Hawaii EPP to select state or national review for their units and programs on June 4, 2018.
State Approved Teacher Educator Program (SATEP) Unit Standards are listed below:

Standard 1: Candidate Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, and Dispositions

Candidates demonstrate strong subject matter knowledge, culturally relevant pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and professional dispositions in instruction and in other interactions with all P-12 learners.

Standard 2: Clinical Practice and Partnerships

The educator preparation program and its associated partners have shared responsibility for the design, implementation, and evaluation of diverse clinical experiences that provide the candidate the opportunity to have a positive impact on the growth and development of learners.

Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation

Educator preparation programs have criteria for and monitor candidate progression from admissions, to student teaching, through completion and recommendation for licensure. They gather, analyze, and interpret data for continuous improvement of the program.

Through their work with P-12 students, the candidate understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to monitor learner progress and to inform their practice. Candidates can demonstrate positive impact on P-12 learners’ growthand development.

Standard 4: Governance and Resources

The educator preparation program has sufficient faculty, financial, physical, and technological resources and capacity to support and sustain the quality of its educational program.

Standard 5: Hawaii Specific Requirements

The educator preparation program ensures it meets all requirements in Hawaii Administrative Rules governing the approval of Educator Preparation Programs. (HAR) §8-54-19, Appendix A.