Tuesday, October 22, 2024 03:27 AM

Teacher Performance Standard 5: Application of Content

The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.


5(a) The teacher develops and implements projects that guide learners in analyzing the complexities of an issue or question using perspectives from varied disciplines and cross-disciplinary skills (e.g., a water quality study that draws upon biology and chemistry to look at factual information and social studies to examine policy implications).
5(b) The teacher engages learners in applying content knowledge to real world problems through the lens of interdisciplinary themes (e.g., financial literacy, environmental literacy).
5(c) The teacher facilitates learners’ use of current tools and resources to maximize content learning in varied contexts.
5(d) The teacher engages learners in questioning and challenging assumptions and approaches in order to foster innovation and problem solving in local and global contexts.
5(e) The teacher develops learners’ communication skills in disciplinary and interdisciplinary contexts by creating meaningful opportunities to employ a variety of forms of communication that address varied audiences and purposes.
5(f) The teacher engages learners in generating and evaluating new ideas and novel approaches, seeking inventive solutions to problems, and developing original work.
5(g) The teacher facilitates learners’ ability to develop diverse social and cultural perspectives that expand their understanding of local and global issues and create novel approaches to solving problems.
5(h) The teacher develops and implements supports for learner literacy development across content areas.

Essential Knowledge:

5(i) The teacher understands the ways of knowing in his/her discipline, how it relates to other disciplinary approaches to inquiry, and the strengths and limitations of each approach in addressing problems, issues, and concerns.
5(j) The teacher understands how current interdisciplinary themes (e.g., civic literacy, health literacy, global awareness) connect to the core subjects and knows how to weave those themes into meaningful learning experiences.
5(k) The teacher understands the demands of accessing and managing information as well as how to evaluate issues of ethics and quality related to information and its use.
5(l) The teacher understands how to use digital and interactive technologies for efficiently and effectively achieving specific learning goals.
5(m) The teacher understands critical thinking processes and knows how to help learners develop high level questioning skills to promote their independent learning.
5(n) The teacher understands communication modes and skills as vehicles for learning (e.g., information gathering and processing) across disciplines as well as vehicles for expressing learning.
5(o) The teacher understands creative thinking processes and how to engage learners in producing original work.
5(p) The teacher knows where and how to access resources to build global awareness and understanding, and how to integrate them into the curriculum.

Critical Dispositions:

5(q) The teacher is constantly exploring how to use disciplinary knowledge as a lens to address local and global issues.
5(r) The teacher values knowledge outside his/her own content area and how such knowledge enhances student learning.
5(s) The teacher values flexible learning environments that encourage learner exploration, discovery, and expression across content areas.