Friday, February 07, 2025 10:27 AM

Teacher Performance Standard 7: Planning for Instruction

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.


7(a) The teacher individually and collaboratively selects and creates learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals and content standards, and are relevant to learners.
7(b) The teacher plans how to achieve each student’s learning goals, choosing appropriate strategies and accommodations, resources, and materials to differentiate instruction for individuals and groups of learners.
7(c) The teacher develops appropriate sequencing of learning experiences and provides multiple ways to demonstrate knowledge and skill.
7(d) The teacher plans for instruction based on formative and summative assessment data, prior learner knowledge, and learner interest.
7(e) The teacher plans collaboratively with professionals who have specialized expertise (e.g., special educators, related service providers, language learning specialists, librarians, media specialists) to design and jointly deliver as appropriate learning experiences to meet unique learning needs.
7(f) The teacher evaluates plans in relation to short- and long-range goals and systematically adjusts plans to meet each student’s learning needs and enhance learning.

Essential Knowledge:

7(g) The teacher understands content and content standards and how these are organized in the curriculum.
7(h) The teacher understands how integrating crossdisciplinary skills in instruction engages learners purposefully in applying content knowledge.
7(i) The teacher understands learning theory, human development, cultural diversity, and individual differences and how these impact ongoing planning.
7(j) The teacher understands the strengths and needs of individual learners and how to plan instruction that is responsive to these strengths and needs.
7(k) The teacher knows a range of evidence-based instructional strategies, resources, and technological tools and how to use them effectively to plan instruction that meets diverse learning needs.
7(l) The teacher knows when and how to adjust plans based on assessment information and learner responses.
7(m) The teacher knows when and how to access resources and collaborate with others to support student learning (e.g., special educators, related service providers, language learner specialists, librarians, media specialists, community organizations).

Critical Dispositions:

7(n) The teacher respects learners’ diverse strengths and needs and is committed to using this information to plan effective instruction.
7(o) The teacher values planning as a collegial activity that takes into consideration the input of learners, colleagues, families, and the larger community.
7(p) The teacher takes professional responsibility to use short- and long-term planning as a means of assuring student learning.
7(q) The teacher believes that plans must always be open to adjustment and revision based on learner needs and changing circumstances.